Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010
I got involved with this party idea through another blog I read - thank you Jay! I thought it was a good way to expose my baking projects. I wanted to share them and my experiences with others and possibly learn some new tricks or pass on some of my own.
I wish everyone could dig into my last entry to start our party with UBP.
I started blogging this particular page when I decided I needed an outlet outside of my kids. I have a personal blog that I share with close friends and family(none of which are google members)via auto emails when I write a new entry. It encaptures my life with my wonderful husband and children and is almost like the letter home to let everyone know how things are going in our lives.
This blog all began last spring when I began taking cake decorating classes through Wilton at Michael's. I really wanted to showcase my achievements with my family and friends that weren't able to share this with me personally.
I'm a stay at home with a five year old son in kindergarten and two year old daughter. I am very crafty and love to do anything having to do with all art mediums but lately I have really been taken by this cake decorating bug.
I don't want to tell you newcomers to look at my old entries, but that I guess would be the idea if you wanted to get a sense of where I am in my decorating journey.
When I wasn't a stay at home mom I was an interior designer and have done a lot of work in the city I live and some smaller rural towns as well. In retrospect that seems so long ago to me, and almost another life, which I know seems pathetic, but its the truth.
I hope to return to that life when both of my children are attending school full time, which isn't really all that far away when I consider the road that has already been travelled.
Sometime ago I made this blog public, but have yet to find any fellow bloggers that knowingly follow my baking ups and downs, other than the ones I have chosen to be emailed my posts.
In the meantime, while I enjoy the life of in-depth motherhood I find the time to share this.
I hope you enjoy these posts and my future posts to come.
Have a Happy Ultimate Blog Party 2010!


  1. here for the party! I love your cakes. Espically the hippo! My mom used to make all our birthday cakes. Castles, pac man, etc.

  2. Your cakes are cute!!

    Have fun with the blog party!


  3. Hi! Hopping over from the UBP! You look like you are really getting your grove for cake decorating! Its scary when that bug bites, everything becomes about cake! I look at my daughter's clothes and think - that pattern would make a really cute cake! I dream about cake! I obsess about cake!

    Stop by to check out a few of my creations! Can't wait to see what else you are up to.

    btw - where are you located?? (state)?
